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Privacy policy

Privacy policy

Effective date: 2018-05-25

1 Introduction

In order to respect and protect your right to privacy, this “Privacy Policy” document will let you know how our website will collect information related to you, how it will be used and who it will be shared with. This “Privacy Policy” applies to visitors of all services on the website.
In response to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into effect on May 25, 2018, there is a description of the rights and interests of users specifically for the requirements of GDPR.
This language version is only provided for the convenience of reading and understanding the English version, and this language version cannot replace the legal effect of the English version. In the event of any dispute or conflict, in any event, the English version shall govern the relationship between the parties and shall prevail over any other language.

1.1 Services

This “Privacy Policy” applies to all services on this website.

1.2 Changes

We may revise this “Privacy Policy”. If there are major changes, we will notify you through website services or other means, so that you have the opportunity to read the changes before they take effect.
If you continue to use our website services after we publish or transmit the relevant notice of changes in this “Privacy Policy”, it means that you confirm that the scope of collection, use and sharing of personal data must comply with the updated “Privacy Policy”.

2. Information collected

2.1 Information you voluntarily provide

When you use our website service to actively send messages, you may need to provide personal information such as name, phone number, and email address, and the relevant information will be automatically protected and stored in Amazon’s cloud data center.

2.2 Cookie

Our website uses cookies to recognize visitor preferences on the website. In cookies, we will use the so-called “tracking identification code (Track ID)” to track the visitor’s behavior, for example: track the visitor’s web browsing, stay time, device information and other information as a reference for website content adjustment. We will also use the analysis service of Google Analytics to analyze the online behavior of visitors as a reference for the website to organize browsing data. For the Google Analytics service, please refer to its Privacy Policy information https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies

The “Track ID” used on this site is an anonymous tracking code. Generally, “visitors” who browse the website anonymously will not provide personal information. Therefore, we cannot associate this identification code with any private information, including: email, mobile phone number, or address. In other words, there is no way for us to know the true identity of any visitor through this tracking ID.

2.3 Device Information

In addition to cookies, we also collect the following additional information:
The web address (URL) visited by the “Visitor”
“Visitor” source address and IP Address
Make, model, operating system of the “guest” connected device
Browser type, resolution, color support for “Visitor” connected devices
Geolocation information of the source of the “Visitor” connection (e.g. indirectly through third-party GeoIP lookups)
The telecommunications ISP provider of the “Visitor” connection source (for example: indirectly through the third-party GeoIP check)

3. How we use this information

3.1 Responding to inquiries

In addition to providing professional answers to visitors’ inquiries, we also provide relevant product information for visitors’ reference.

3.2 Learning and optimizing website content

Our website uses the information collected above to study how to optimize the content of the website through analysis methods such as machine learning and data science.

4. How we share information

4.1 Objects of data sharing

The “visitor” personal device records and cookie records collected by our website services above are for our internal use only, and will not share information with any other third parties, and will not provide sensitive individuals such as specific “visitor” browsing tracks to third parties. material.

4.2 Data retention period

The original record files of the “visitor” personal device records and cookie records collected by our website services will be stored in the cloud data center for 24 months, and the historical record files will be deleted on a monthly basis.

5. Your Choices and Obligations

5.1 Right to Stop Tracking

We reserve the right not to be tracked for “visitors”. If you want to stop tracking website behavior, please contact us actively.

5.2 Right to access and control personal data

Although we primarily collect anonymous “Visitor” information, you still have the following rights:
Deletion of data: “Visitors” can clear the cookies of the browser of the connected device by themselves, or contact us to request deletion of account-related data.
Change or correction of information: “Visitors” can apply through the website, especially if the information is wrong, you can ask us to change, update or correct your information.
Object to or restrict data use: You can ask us to stop using all or some of your personal data or restrict our use.
To read or obtain your data: You may ask us to provide a copy of your personal data and you may request a digital machine-readable copy of your personal data.

6. Other important notes

6.1 Data protection method

The above-mentioned personal data collected by our website services, except for the temporary files during the network transmission process, are all directly stored in the Amazon AWS cloud data center. AWS has declared that it complies with the CISPE data protection code of conduct, so our website also complies with international-level information security specification.

6.2 Cross-border data transfer

Bearing the statement in Section 6.1, the personal data collected by our website service is only for internal use, and is currently protected in the cloud service data center. The original log files of the above data will be stored in the Amazon AWS cloud data center in the United States. All network communications involving direct or cross-border transmission of personal data occur in an SSL or HTTPS secure encrypted network connection environment, and all communication connections are processed with 2048-bit SSL encryption to ensure the security of data transmission.

6.3 Contact information

If you have any questions about this “Privacy Policy” or need to file a complaint, please contact us through the following contact methods:
Contact: Kasley
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +886-3-3286585

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